Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Addy in her ballet class

Lexi's first trim

Uncle Damon came for a visit

The first snow of the season.  Wasn't much but they still had fun

I used this profile pic of Lexi to make her silhouette (below)

This is the one I used to make Addy's silhouette

Both Addy and Lexi wanted to put the star on the tree

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Terrible Twos

Lexi's terrible twos are in full swing.  Here are a couple of things that have happened lately showing Lexi's attitude.

I was telling Lexi not to color in a book and she just looked at me and continued to color in it.  I told her again and very matter of factly she said to me “Don’t talk to me mom”.

Another time Lexi threw her cup on the floor when she was done.  I told her to pick it up and she said “Um, no.  You do it”.  Then I started to sing and Lexi said “Don’t sing mom”.  Well excuse me!

Yesterday Lexi was sitting on the couch and Steve was in the kitchen.  Lexi asked him for more milk in her sippy cup while remaining seated on the couch.  Steve told her to bring her cup over so he could fill it up.  Lexi threw the cup on the floor right in front of her and Steve said "No, bring it over to me" and Lexi replied while pointing to her cup on the floor "There it is Dad.  You can get it."  She never did bring it to him so she didn't get more milk.

For the past couple of years we have written down some of the funny things Addison has said.  We recently started writing down Lexi's funny words.  During sacrament meeting today Steve whispered to Lexi "We need to think of Jesus when we eat the bread and water.  Can you think of Jesus?"
Lexi looked around and said “There’s no Jesus here.”
After she took the bread she said “That Jesus bread was yummy.”

Saturday, October 18, 2014


There's never a dull moment with cousins!

Girls are singing "I Am A Child of God" (they are holding the strings to the curtains up to their ears pretending they are ear buds)

Thomas is always building something.  He reminds me of the tinkering fairy on the Tinker Bell movies.  He even has a "seatbelt" for Lexi on this bike contraption he put together.

We went to Surprise's football game and Lexi appeared to be a sports fan.  There have been a few instances lately that have made me think that Lexi is going to be a sports enthusiast like her parents.



This is Addy's made up word equivalent to "Phew!" and "Yikes!"  She even says it in the same tone that many people use to say "phew".  Yoosh just popped into my head when I thought of where to start on this post since so much has happened in the last two months.  Back in April we were given an estimated closing date of Sept 25.  In August that date was moved to Sept 3!  We were so excited!  I can't believe our house was finished well before expected.

The girls and I came back to Utah a couple of weeks before our new expected closing date and stayed with Steve's Aunt JoAnn.  We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family who have helped us this summer while we were without a home.  The girls adore JoAnn and loved staying with her and her cat Meow.  Here are just a few pictures from when we stayed at her house.

Feeding Meow

We got to see Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Reed more often since they live close to JoAnn
Great Grandpa Reed is 94 years old!  This little activity he does with the grandkids and great grandkids he's been doing for a long long time.  It took many years for Addison to let him do it with her.  Lexi had no reservations though.

It worked out great that we came back to Utah when we did because a week later my sister had her 6th/8th baby!  Lol not sure how to say what number it is.  She was their 6th biological but she is the 8th child in the family since they have two adopted boys.

With her new cousin, Zyna

Playing in our fridge box

Addy's first day of ballet

Friends came for a visit

Just a random morning

Gardner Village

It's been awhile. I have so much I want to post but never enough time (or motivation). Today Steve & I took a break from projects (mostly new home projects) to take the girls to do something fun. Gardner Village had some fun kids activities. 

Corn box

Trying on a cute hat!

Pony ride

Just posing with a worker there dressed as a witch

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Busy July

It's been a busy month.  The girls and I came to stay with my parents in Colorado Springs until our house is finished in Utah.  One week my sister and her family came.  That's when we went to Santa's Workshop, hiking, fishing, and horse back riding.  This past week Steve flew in on vacation and we went horse back riding again, got the girls' ears pierced and went flying with my dad.  My dad is the busiest retired dude I know.  He headed up all those activities, except getting the ears' pierced :)

Santa's workshop

Santa's Workshop

Feeding the deer....
...and llamas

riding the carousel...

sliding down slides...

riding the sky coaster...

...and on lady bug cars

The girls are soooo lucky to have older cousins to take them on rides because after one spinning ride I was sick!

We went fishing and Addy wanted to hold a worm!  She played with it for like 20 minutes.  Gross!

Fun, short hike up Helen Hunt Falls.  Lexi was in the backpack on the way up and Addy rode in it on the way down.  She didn't feel any heavier than Lexi, haha

The older kids got to go on a trail while the little ones rode a horse around the stable guided by Grandpa

More swimming

This is the day the Weight cousins went back to Utah.  In the middle of the day she fell asleep watching a movie (which never happens) and in this most awkward position.  She slept for 3-4 hours!!  They wore her out!

sharing raspberry pie

Out to dinner with my mom, Aunt Char, and sister Amy

We decided on a whim to get Addison and Lexi's ears pierced.  Usually when I asked Addison if she wanted them pierced she would say no.  When we were walking by the store in the mall I asked her again and she actually said yes.  We let her watch someone else get them pierced first and she still wanted to do it.  
Ha, she's wearing a different shirt than the picture above because we went home after watching the other girl get her ears pierced because I wanted Addison to think about it.  She asked several times after getting home so we went back. 
Lexi wanted them too so we did her ears too.  She wasn't too happy right after they were pierced but now she LOVES her Hello Kitty earrings and shows everyone

Getting some Uncle Damon time.  He learned to knit on his mission so he practices every once in awhile.  Maybe one day he'll teach Addison.

We went horse back riding at the Air Force Academy again because Steve was in town and also because Lexi didn't get to go the first time we went.

Lexi looks as big as Addy - they can probably share clothes now!  They are sharing swim suits
It's been quite an adjustment not being in our own house, but after only a month I think the girls are getting used to having grandma and grandpa around.  They are going to miss them when we go back to UT.


Addison and Steve went flying with my Dad today

Addison and my Aunt Char.  They were both nervous

Grandpa checking the plane before taking it out.  He does lots of safety checks every time he flies.

Lexi and I just sat in the plane for pictures.  There are only 4 seats in the plane.  I was ok not going.  I've been before and I get motion sick.

Pulling it out of the hanger

I had to bribe Lexi with a lollipop to get her out of the plane so they could leave
Taking off