Saturday, April 27, 2013

One of the benefits of Addy having 9 older girl cousins: 14 dresses! Whenever Addy grows I go 'shopping' in my sister's basement for clothes before I try the stores. These 14 dresses are just SOME of the clothes I got from her storage. Amy & Beth have been giving girl clothes back & forth for a long time (my oldest niece is 16) so now I'm getting them. Some things are in bad condition but there's still a lot in good condition. Addy & I had a fashion show this morning with all the dresses :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Only Addison would ask for a banana to eat with her lollipop lol. She loves fruit, probably more than treats.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Out on an ice cream date with mom & dad while our neighbor watched Lexi. It was a little chilly outside for ice cream but still fun.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Dinosaur Museum

It was spring break for Addison's cousins so we went to Vernal, UT to a dinosaur museum

When we got home and Steve got home from work, Steve asked Addison about the dinosaurs.  He asked her if they were big or small and she answered, "They were huuuuuuge!" She also said they were sleeping :)




Dying easter eggs


Most of the pictures turned out like this - with both of them looking away

This is the best we could get of them together

Easter morning

We had a hard time getting a smile out of Addison. We got this smile by telling her we were going to tickle her and this sweet smile showed up.

Monday, April 1, 2013

And here's the next little sick one...she woke up at 10pm last night with a fever of 102.9. The only time she will fall asleep on the couch is when she's sick. Poor girl.

Our kitchen table & chairs are old & beat up. The cream colored seat cushions have gotten super dirty since Addy started using them. I have gotten so tired of looking at the stain-covered chairs. We considered replacing the table & chairs but decided to wait till the girls are a little older. So I'm recovering them & I'm loving the fresh look.