Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Announcing Alexa

May 28, 2012 at 12:03pm Alexa (Lexi) was born at home after only a 4 hour labor, 44 hours quicker than Addison's birth!  I was hoping to go into labor after getting a full nights sleep and I was hoping for a quicker labor this time so I was happy that both happened.  At 8am I started having short contractions and by noon Lexi was born.  Lexi and I are doing well.  I feel much more rested this time around.  With Addison I was exhausted after she was born and it was harder to handle everything because I was so tired.  This time I feel really good.  It was nice to have Steve, my mom, and two of my sisters at the birth (and Lexi's two week old cousin, Miriam, who by the way is smaller than Lexi lol).  Lexi was 7 lbs. 15 ozs and 20.5 inches long. (Miriam is 7 lbs. 9 ozs.  We took pictures of them together which will get posted sometime).  My dad took Addison and her cousin Doug to the petting zoo at Thanksgiving Point while I was in labor so when she got home and met Lexi she said "Baby came out".  I was surprised she seems to understand that.  This morning I told her the baby is not in my tummy anymore and showed her my smaller tummy and this afternoon she was holding Lexi and she said "Baby came out of mommy's tummy".  She seems to understand more than I thought she would.  We'll try to post pictures and video soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happy anniversary to my wonderful husband.  It has been the best three years ever!

Pictures from when we were dating:

Hiking Camelback Mt. in Mesa, AZ.  I miss being that active.  Some day we'll get back to our hobbies.

Medieval dinner in Vegas
In Vegas, can't remember what building we were in.  Maybe the Stratosphere building?

Trip to Vegas

Steve's graduation from Thunderbird!

We ran the Thanksgiving Day Mesa Turkey Trot.  Can't remember if it was a two mile run or a 5k.

Out of Africa Safari ride

Then there was a wedding:

Then a honeymoon:

Honeymoon in Destin, FL

Seaside, FL: behind us is the town square where The Truman Show movie was filmed

We lived happily ever after...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Busy week

It was a very busy week last week.  My little sister Courtney got married and my older sister Beth had her baby early Mother's Day morning.  Both events were successful.  Ever since the wedding I've been exhausted though.    

Here's the classic group shot at the Salt Lake Temple.  Addy is in the hot pink tutu in the very front.  It was probably the only picture she cooperated for.  Unfortunately we didn't think about bribing her with candy until the reception that night.  Thanks to my brother Lee for taking all these free pictures!  There was a professional photographer also, but we don't have those pictures yet.

My sisters and I, in birth order.  The wind was terrible that day.  Most pictures our hair is flying all over the place

Addison with her cousin Doug.  Not sure how my brother got her to smile and cooperate because I didn't see him take this picture.

They can be so cute together, when they aren't teasing each other

Addison didn't want to be held for the picture so we put her on the top step so she could walk down.   Everyone started laughing and when I turned around I saw her diapered behind flashing everyone.

Here she is not cooperating

Here's Addison now content because she's doing what she wants to do.  The tutu didn't cover her diaper very well.  We tried to get her to at least put her knees together, which she did for a few seconds.  Maybe the other photographer got the shot once she put her knees together.

With her cousin Grace.  By the time pictures were done it was past her nap time.  So once Steve and I started heading to the car to go home she threw the tantrum of all tantrums (because she didn't want to leave), screaming at the top of her lungs the whole walk to the car and then for 10-15 more minutes once we got in the car.  People were looking at us as we pushed our screaming child (thankfully we had the stroller to strap her down and push her) all the way to the car.  She was tired.

At the reception.  Now she's in a much better mood after she got a nap.

The day before the wedding we had a family picnic at the park.  Grandpa K pushing her in the swing.  It was so hot that day but Addy loves to swing

38 weeks pregnant

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Summer is Coming!

She's not happy because I took her blankie away so I could get a picture

I love her hair in the morning.  She just barely got up.

Already drinking and driving