Steve and I left our girls in Utah with Courtney & Mitch on Thursday for a much needed vacation just the two of us. The two weeks prior to our vacation Steve worked 70-75 hours each week because there were so many problems on the stock market. We were both ready for vacation! This trip to CA is the start of Steve's mandatory two weeks off so he doesn't have to go back to work for another week & a half. Yay!
We're coming home today. I was very nervous for how Lexi was going to do while we were gone because she does not like to be away from me. If Courtney is telling me the truth ;) then Lexi did the exact opposite of what I expected her to do! She slept through the night, she took her naps, & Courtney said she barely cried!! We even Face-timed with her & she smiled at us & blew us kisses & then she was off doing her own thing as if she didn't miss us! We joked that we would just stay a few more days. Actually the length of the trip was perfect. We're ready to come home today. Even though Lexi doesn't seem to miss us we miss our girls so much!!
Addison did great too but I wasn't worried about her at all. She's always open to new events, people, and social gatherings. She got to play with her cousins a lot while we were gone. Courtney said she did say she wanted her mommy sometimes though. Before we left I told her we were going on vacation & she asked where. I told her the beach & she said "I LOVE the beach! I've always wanted to go to the beach!" So we face-timed from the beach so she could see it and she liked that. She asked if we got her a present & then asked to see the present. We told her she had to wait till we got home to see her present.
The first night we got there we went to the beach in Long Beach & just walked around the shops & got dinner. We were just in time to see the sunset. |
The next day we went to do a session at the Los Angeles Temple in the morning. In the afternoon we went to the Santa Monica beach. The water was so cold! Too cold for me |
Santa Monica Pier |
Yesterday we went to Hollywood. |
This picture is for Steve's brother Rob. He loves Meryl Streep so when we passed her star we thought of him lol. |
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