Monday, July 15, 2013

I asked Addison where milk comes from and she said "the fridge" :) So thanks to youtube she got to see where milk comes from.  She watched a farmer milk a cow. :)  She was pretty interested.  When the video ended she clicked on another video on the side which was a dentist showing us how they brush and floss someone's teeth.  She watched those too, lol. I love that educating videos and pictures are just a click away.  Without the internet I would probably have to go to the library to teach Addy these things and since we rarely get to the library she probably wouldn't learn as much.  Sometimes I'll be talking to her about something new and so I show her on the internet to aid in my explanation.

In Colorado Lexi wouldn't go to anyone but me or Steve.  She even shied away from people when they talked to her.  One day my brother-in-law, Mitch, was sitting on the couch, Lexi was wandering around, I was in the kitchen (keeping my eye on Lexi), and Steve was off somewhere else. I watched Lexi hold a book up to Mitch who took it and started reading it to her.  Then Steve came in the room and sat down.  When Lexi saw him she took the book from Mitch and handed it to Steve to read it to her instead!  It was funny to watch. I'm surprised she wanted someone other than me or Steve to read to her but we can see from what she did who she preferred to read to her.

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