It's been a busy month. The girls and I came to stay with my parents in Colorado Springs until our house is finished in Utah. One week my sister and her family came. That's when we went to Santa's Workshop, hiking, fishing, and horse back riding. This past week Steve flew in on vacation and we went horse back riding again, got the girls' ears pierced and went flying with my dad. My dad is the busiest retired dude I know. He headed up all those activities, except getting the ears' pierced :)
Santa's workshop
Santa's Workshop
Feeding the deer.... |
...and llamas |
riding the carousel... |
sliding down slides... |
riding the sky coaster... |
...and on lady bug cars |
The girls are soooo lucky to have older cousins to take them on rides because after one spinning ride I was sick! |
We went fishing and Addy wanted to hold a worm! She played with it for like 20 minutes. Gross! |
Fun, short hike up Helen Hunt Falls. Lexi was in the backpack on the way up and Addy rode in it on the way down. She didn't feel any heavier than Lexi, haha |
The older kids got to go on a trail while the little ones rode a horse around the stable guided by Grandpa |
More swimming
This is the day the Weight cousins went back to Utah. In the middle of the day she fell asleep watching a movie (which never happens) and in this most awkward position. She slept for 3-4 hours!! They wore her out! |
sharing raspberry pie |
Out to dinner with my mom, Aunt Char, and sister Amy |
We decided on a whim to get Addison and Lexi's ears pierced. Usually when I asked Addison if she wanted them pierced she would say no. When we were walking by the store in the mall I asked her again and she actually said yes. We let her watch someone else get them pierced first and she still wanted to do it. |
Ha, she's wearing a different shirt than the picture above because we went home after watching the other girl get her ears pierced because I wanted Addison to think about it. She asked several times after getting home so we went back. |
Lexi wanted them too so we did her ears too. She wasn't too happy right after they were pierced but now she LOVES her Hello Kitty earrings and shows everyone |
Getting some Uncle Damon time. He learned to knit on his mission so he practices every once in awhile. Maybe one day he'll teach Addison. |
We went horse back riding at the Air Force Academy again because Steve was in town and also because Lexi didn't get to go the first time we went. |
Lexi looks as big as Addy - they can probably share clothes now! They are sharing swim suits |
It's been quite an adjustment not being in our own house, but after only a month I think the girls are getting used to having grandma and grandpa around. They are going to miss them when we go back to UT. |
Addison and Steve went flying with my Dad today
Addison and my Aunt Char. They were both nervous |
Grandpa checking the plane before taking it out. He does lots of safety checks every time he flies. |
Lexi and I just sat in the plane for pictures. There are only 4 seats in the plane. I was ok not going. I've been before and I get motion sick. |
Pulling it out of the hanger |
I had to bribe Lexi with a lollipop to get her out of the plane so they could leave |
Taking off