As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been struggling with Addison's behavior some. For months now we've had this chore chart idea but I just got around to creating it. This is what I did:
Most of these "chores" on here are things I have a hard time getting her to do. When she does them she gets a sticker. When she gets five stickers in a row she gets to pick from the treasure box (stuff from the $1 store). It's only in the beginning stages but it has worked great so far! She just picked up her room this morning with a good attitude! She was whipping Lexi with her blankie and Lexi started to complain so I told Addy she doesn't get a sticker for "no fighting" and that stopped her. Later, she told me she stopped fighting and wanted to put a sticker on "no fighting" and she said this as she whipped Lexi again LOL!
Addy always wants me to do things for her, like get her dressed, put her shoes on, and take her to the bathroom. She is capable of doing these things mostly on her own. She struggles putting shirts on and some of her shoes on, etc. But to get her to start being independent I've had to offer her twizzlers. I tell her if she can get dressed on her own with just a little help from me with her shirt she can have a twizzler and this has been working too! Hallelujah! I'm feeling a little sense of relief. I'm very grateful that this is working. I hope it keeps working.
I need to create a chore chart for Lexi now because she likes stickers and prizes and I don't think she's too young to learn things like brushing her teeth, combing her hair and helping pick up.
I love the way she says yes