Friday, March 29, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sweet, sick Lexi hasn't wanted me to put her down all day & all yesterday. So she slept on me for some of the night & for one of her naps today. It seems like I didn't get much sleep last night so today was such a blah day. I didn't get out of my pj's, dinner isn't made, the house is a mess & I'm feeling very unmotivated. It hasn't been a very good week so far & I'm missing Steve because I haven't seen him much this week.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I had to put Lexi in her high chair so I could eat dinner because she kept crawling over to the stairs and getting up onto the landing. When I would come after her she would squeal & laugh like it was a game. I think it's time to put the gate up. Addison just encourages her which is way cute to see them interact. Addy said to Lexi today, "I love you so much Lexi" & gave her a big hug!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Check ups

Last week Addison and Lexi had their 3 year old and 9 month old check ups at the doctor.  The appointments were on separate days so during Addison's appointment she kept asking "Me, Mom?", meaning were the doctor and I talking about her? She asks that a lot in general.  If Steve and I are talking she'll ask that too.  She wants to know if we're talking about her :)

Lexi did great. She gave the doctor a few huge smiles and didn't cry when they poked her toe to check her iron levels.  So here are the girls' stats:

Age: 9 months 18 days

Weight: 18.8 lbs (57th %tile).  Her %tile has been going down which the dr. said is normal as they start moving.  She was in the 73rd %tile and then the 69th %tile for weight.  Even though she's in size 12-18 month clothes I guess she's just average.

Length: 28 inches (53rd %tile).  Still average.  She was in the 76th and then the 59th %tile at her last two appointments.

Age: 3 years

Weight: 29.7 lbs (41st %tile).  One year ago she was in the 16th %tile so she's going up!

Length: 38 1/4 inches (79th %tile).  One year ago she was in the 51st %tile so that went up quite a bit.

BMI: 14.3 (9th %tile).  The dr. said this isn't bad. It just means she's skinny :)  Last year she was in the 14th %tile.  Jeans do not stay on this girl.  All she wears these days are leggings because I don't like seeing her behind.  Leggings stay on her much better than jeans do even though some leggings are still a little big.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Today it was in the 70's! We took advantage and went outside to play

Lexi loves to sit in the cart!  After I sit her in it and start walking she gets so excited - smiles, opens her mouth real big, and kicks her legs. She is the happiest baby I know :) This is also a good shot of her teeth. She has two more coming in on top too.

Isn't she so precious?!

Lexi and I just finished a parent/child swim class. It was 9 days in a row for 30 minutes each day.  She loved it!  She always splashed a ton and was always kicking her legs.  She also would open her mouth real big - I think she does that when she's excited. It's so cute.  All the other kids in the class were older than her.  The class was for ages 6 months to 3 years.  Many of the parents commented on how happy Lexi was and they would laugh when she got excited (because none of the other kids were as enthusiastic as she was).  Most of the activities we did went with a song so once we started singing Lexi started getting excited - kicking, splashing, opening her mouth real big.  I think her favorite activity was floating on her back.  She would get a toy and just chew on it while chilling on her back. I liked that activity too because we got to cuddle (we were cheek to cheek with her legs floating in front of me)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lexi wouldn't let me feed her but opened her mouth when Addison grabbed the spoon :) So cute!

This little one started crawling on hands and knees last week and is now into everything! She started crawling like an inchworm a couple of weeks ago - she would push herself up on her hands then inch forward without using her legs.

I signed Addison up for gymnastics and swimming lessons this month.  She LOVES gymnastics but swimming didn't go so well...
This picture makes it look like Addy participated in her first swim lesson.....

But this is where she was for the whole lesson :( The teachers couldn't convince her to get in the water and the parents were told to stay 15 feet away so we didn't distract the kids (I don't think I could have convinced her either anyways). So I think we'll try again next year. I don't really want to fight this battle.  She also threw a fit when the lesson was over because she wanted to go swimming like we did on Saturday. I guess she doesn't understand the difference between a swim lesson and swimming for fun. So that caused some drama getting out of there.

Can put her hair in a ponytail again! And as you can see from her light jacket and flip flops it has warmed up this week.  It is so nice!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lexi watching Addison playing with a balloon

Ready to go to gymnastics

Gymnastics class.  Last month she was in a parent/child class and did great. This month she's on her own and today was her first day.  She did great and it was so fun to watch her.  This is her teacher Merlene, whom she had last month as well.  One class last month she did a somersault on her own (probably her first on her own) and ran up to Merlene and said "Merlene!  I did it!!".  She was so excited and I think proud of herself.  What I thought was cute was she called her by name.  I didn't know she knew her teacher's name.

With this being her first class on her own it was funny to see her lose focus all the time. They split the class in half and did separate stations.  When her group was going through stations in one area, another group was playing with hoola hoops next to Addison's area. The hoola hoops caught her eye and she ran over to sit with the other group playing with the hoola hoops.  Her teacher had to go grab Addison and direct her focus back to her group, lol.  She was completely cooperative though and just needed a little help focusing.