Friday, January 18, 2013
Bananas or squash?
So far Lexi has tried bananas, squash, and rice cereal. The past 4 or so days I've been just giving her squash and in my personal opinion I think she likes bananas better. Today I went to give her bananas and as I was bringing the spoon up to her mouth she shook her head and turned it to the side so I couldn't get the spoon in her mouth! This was the first "real" communication she's done that isn't crying. It was so fun to see her do it. I knew she was hungry and I knew she liked bananas so I assumed she thought it was squash I was trying to feed her. So I let her take the spoon hoping she would put it in her mouth and then she would know it was bananas and not squash. And she did just that and then let me feed her the rest of the banana. :) I wish I had a video of it. It was so cute to see her actually shake her head in response to something she didn't want.
Christmas day. Addy got a Dr. kit |
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Christmas day. Santa gave them reindeer antlers in their stocking |
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They were both cold and wanted me to wrap them in the blanket |
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I just finished putting together the stroller and Lexi likes it already! |
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Cousins. Lexi is so much bigger and longer! Miriam is wearing a 0-3 month onesie in this picture and she's 8 months old! |
I consider this official: her first word is da-da :)
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Sweet moments
I just had the sweetest moment with both my girls! I was
rocking Lexi and singing “I Love to See the Temple” before putting her down for
a nap and Addison came into the room.
Addy usually comes barging in and is noisy and rambunctious which doesn’t
help Lexi calm down for a nap. But this
time Addy saw me rocking Lexi and so nicely asked if she could sit with
us. I said ‘yes’ and pulled her onto my
other leg. Addy joined in in singing the
last word of the song and immediately started singing the next song I always
sing after “I Love to See the Temple”, which is “I Am A Child of God”. So we
both started the song at the same time, like we were practiced, lol. Addy sang it like an angel which is NOT like
her. If she sings along with me it’s
usually in an irreverent and silly way.
While we were singing both girls were calm and relaxed which is also unusual. I looked down and saw Addy’s hand resting
over Lexi’s hand – they were holding hands!
It was the sweetest!! The whole
thing was the sweetest experience ever!
These are the moments I live for! No offense to Addy, she’s a two year
old after all, but I almost never see this sweet side of her. I wish I could have paused time and enjoyed
it longer. I miss that side of her so
much! Ever since the “terrible twos” hit I've wondered if I’ll ever see “sweet
Addy” again. She's almost always silly, hyper, or cranky. This may sound harsh but
hopefully those who have had a child pass through the 2-3 year old stage will
understand. Please send me more moments
like this!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Addison's bedtime routine
I came home from the store tonight and Steve told me that Addison pulled out all the stops for going to bed, meaning she tried EVERYTHING to delay going to bed. He told me how the routine went tonight:
Steve said, "Time for bed"
Addy threw a little fit
Addy wanted Steve to push her in our new double stroller
Steve said, "We’ll do that tomorrow"
Addy said, “I have an idea. Let’s kick my Dora ball”
Steve said, “No it’s time for bed. We can kick your ball
Addy said, “K, but I have to push my baby first” and she
starts to get her baby stroller
Steve said, “No put it away. Let’s go upstairs”
Addy threw a little fit and wouldn’t walk upstairs unless Steve gave
her a piggy back ride. So he gave her a piggy back ride but also had to carry her 3 teddy bears, 2 blankies, and her baby for her. (she normally just sleeps with ONE blankie and ONE teddy bear but lately she's been toting all these other toys and blankies around the house and up and down the stairs!)
Addy found a package of toothbrushes at the top of the stairs and said “I have to
brush my teeth first”
Steve said, “No you don’t. Put the toothbrushes down”
Addy started crying
Steve said, “Let’s get a little water” (Part of her bedtime routine is to take a drink of water from a little bathroom cup and she refers to that as her "little water")
Addy got a cup for her and said, “You need a cup too Daddy.
After you” meaning Steve fill up his cup first and then she filled hers
Then they finally got into her bedroom and closed the door. She sat down on her little bench to drink.
Steve said, “Let’s put your pjs on”.
After pjs were on Addy said, “I have to rock in my rocking
Steve said, “Ok you can rock for one minute.” A minute later he said, “Ok,
it’s time to get into bed”
She got in bed and said “Wait we need to turn the light off!” (Addy has been afraid of the dark for a few months and has been sleeping with her bedroom light on so Steve was surprised by this request at first.)
Steve tried to turn the bedroom light off and Addy said, “No,
not in here! In the bathroom!”
Steve said, “No” (just another thing to delay her bedtime).
Addy threw a fit so Steve let her turn off
the bathroom light so she wouldn't wake up Lexi. Addy turned off the light, stepped out of the bathroom,
then went back into the bathroom and said, “I gotta turn the light back on so I
can turn it off” and then did that.
Addy got in bed and said, “Read a book”
Steve said “no”
Addy said “tell me a story”
Steve asked “which story?”
Addy said “when me and Lexi were in mommy’s tummy”
Steve told stories of the days Addy and Lexi were born.
Steve said “goodnight”
Addy said “I want another story”
Steve said “no that’s all. Give me a hug and kiss”
Addy said “no”
Steve got up to leave and then Addy said “I want a hug and a
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